Thursday, September 18, 2014

Burning Man 2014 - drive to

Some photos from the drive to Black Rock City from LA this year... Parts are boring, parts are beautiful. The first year I went, we were in the dark from Tahoe and through Nevada & I had never been in that part of the country before. On the way back from BRC in the daytime, I was constantly amazed that we had gone through all of this beauty and I had no idea! The best I could make out was the milky way above treetops in the Tahoe area. Yay for beautiful landscapes and nature!

 (I hate the crap in the sky on this one, but the landscape is so pretty!!!!)

The beginning of a longggggg night. Shortly before I shot this, I spotted at least one bat flitting around, which always makes me excited x 10000. The rest of the night and next day were spent in line with a good friend, sometimes braiding my hair, sometimes playing with needles, sometimes listening to the best pirate radio station ever with bird number-station like tracks & women talking about being in a flower for 30 min and other fun, eventually napping and already experiencing Burning Man way before our camp was set up!

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