Saturday, November 15, 2014

San Francisco 10/14 - II

Some more photos from our trip up to San Francisco at the end of October.....

I love these smooth, rolling, golden hills in California... So soothing and sensual... Every time I'm a passenger in a vehicle and going between LA and SF, I can't help myself, and shoot a ridiculous number of these photos, looking for all the variations in spaces, shapes, shadows, lines, textures. Love, love, love and obviously very inspired by them.

found exactly as photographed.....

 I look at this set of photos, I realize how much Alcatraz was this insane overload of photographic bliss for me, all the textures, light, lines, man vs. nature.....I still haven't even posted some of my favorites yet! If there was a way for me to make a living off of shooting these types of places, I would be one of the happiest people ever.

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